Greenpeace has been running a vote to name their adoptive whale in a campaign to bring attention to whaling in the modern era. Thanks to an anonymous internet “clickster” and a bunch of posts in the blogosphere and beyond, the name “Mister Splashy Pants” is now overwhelmingly in the lead with 73% of the vote, while the closest competitor is holding at a mere 3%.

Reddit Mister Splashy Pants Logo
Courtesy of Reddit

In all seriousness though, how can you not vote for Mister Splashy Pants? Please. With other overly thoughtful, trite, and patronizing names such as Libertad (‘freedom’ in Spanish), Malaya ( ‘free’ in Filipino), or Kaimana (‘divine power of the ocean’ in Polynesian), Mr. Pants seems the only choice.

Despite the obvious internet skew on the poll, kudos to Greenpeace for running with it despite an outcome they probably hadn’t anticipated. It does however draw attention (and will continue to do so as Mr. Pants makes his rounds on the internet) to their Great Whale Trail Expedition.

So do your part and vote for Mister Splashy Pants!