I don�t know why but I expected air travel to be more glamorous. For only the second time in my life I�m taking a plane this morning on my way to a �vacation� of sorts to toronto and Ottawa for a week. I suppose maybe it�s just the fact I�m flying out of Detroit and it�s got to be one of the most UN-glamorous cities in the world, but there is nothing exciting or cool about it, and most of the people around have either been old, lame, or ghetto oddly enough. I was told to get to the terminal early (ie. 2hrs) since this is technically an international flight. The actual e-ticket process (no physical ticket) which initially weirded me out has so far been the least stressful part of travel. After taking only 10mins to check in and get thru security and realizing I had another 1hr 50mins, I bought a magazine (blender) which I promptly read. They ask you take laptops out of your carry on bag but then don�t tell you what to do with it, so I tried to walk thru with it and the metal detectors promptly went ape-shit. I then had to take my shoes off, belt, coat, laptop etc off in a bin thru the screening machine and got thru fine despite the metal in my ears & mouth (the chick supervising had a giggle about my fear of it going off). Now I sit staring out the window and writing this log since there�s no fucking wireless to waste time on the net. I hear there�s free wireless in Pittsburg where I have a 40min layover so we�ll see how that goes.

Once they told me to turn my cell phone off on the plane it was like I was in limbo w/ no idea what time it was etc. The flight from Detroit to Pittsburg was fast. About the time we leveled off it was time to go back down again. I made it a point to grab window seats on all my flights, but so far it�s been cloudy and didn�t get much scenery. We landed in Pittsburg at 11:50 and my connector flight left at 12:00. They took their sweet ass time docking the plane and shit, so by the time I took off running across the terminal I showed up just in time to watch my plane leaving the gate. Cool! It actually wasn�t that unpleasant of an experience. As soon as I got to the gate I asked someone and they had already booked me on a new flight leaving at 4:15. They also tried to get me a meal ticket but the airline claimed that de-icing delays are not their fault so no freebie meal for me. Other than the �rescheduling� it�s really not too bad and I can�t complain. Pittsburg does in fact have FREE WIRELESS and that�s just beyond cool. I�m currently listening to my favorite online trance music station with my feet up at a window seat charging my laptop & cellphone while IRCing. Only thing missing at this point is a la-z-boy to lounge on.