Detroit transplants living in Dallas

Cabbage Diet Day 2

Live updates from cabbage diet day 2 – fruits, veggies & cabbage soup only…

Just got to work. I’m starving, and I haven’t had a coffee. No one better talk to me or I’ll bite their head off. Trying to stave off hunger pains by eating celery stalks. Who eats celery for breakfast?!

I’m still hungry. The celery lasted 20 minutes. How are vegetarians not hungry all the time!!!?

Good thing I’m at work. My bowels are very upset with me right now. At least my colon already feels cleaner… Snacking on some grapes now.

Some serious mind over matter shit needs to start happening soon. I’ve never been this hungry in my life. I ate all of my celery sticks, baby carrots, and grapes that I brought for breakfast. I’ve drank my entire 1 liter of water.
<sarcasm>I can’t wait for lunch when I can eat cabbage soup.</sarcasm>

The soup is good. It filled me up decently, but I am having this overwhelming urge to raid the vending machine at work. Even the unidentifiable pastry looking green “Lucky Puffs” are looking delicious.

Hungry again. I sent Christa an email explaining how I feel like a starving kid from a third world nation. She was not amused.

There is an eerie calm in my belly right now. I just ate an apple and finished off my 2nd liter of water today. Round 2 of cabbage soup starts once I get home, but for now I’m out of food.


  1. romantic burger

    Ribs! smoked ribs! bbq pulled pork! tender beef brisket! Mac and cheese, bbq style. Corn on the cob, bbq style. More ribs! burger and fries.

  2. James

    Remember that awesomely delicious breakfast we got before leaving Detroit last week….

    The awesomely thick and delicious strips of bacon

    Cant you just taste them now?????

  3. Linda

    I won’t be like all those other fools above that tried to tempt you with unhealthy foods.

    Way to go. Way to be supportive – no wonder C is marrying you… Good Luck guys I hope you make it! 🙂

  4. romantic burger


  5. #O%%

    Prosciutto on some nice crusty bread…..

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