MRI shows multifocal or disseminated Granulomatous Meningoencephalomyelitis (GME), the worst kind. They tried to confirm with the spinal tap but respiratory distress caused them to back away and wake him up. Spoke with the doctor around 4pm and he is awake and started on 15mg prednisone and 50mg cyclosporine twice daily for initial treatment of inflammation in the brain. Also getting prylosec to protect the GI (20mg twice daily). The doctor recommends addition of cytosar (cytarabine – chemo drug) for an aggressive treatment; 4x 150mg injections 12 hours apart over 2 days, which unfortunately means more time away from us.
Vet tech from the office called with morning report. She says he seems more active and aware, but reading between the lines I hear no real improvement. Spent the entire night researching GME but now I have more questions than answers. Different treatments, drug names and doses are racing through my head and wish I could make more sense of it, wish I was a vet. Dr Wolfe to call this afternoon with an update, I want to discuss aggressiveness of current regimen.
Just got back from visiting Monty this evening. He seems slightly better in that he is more aware of his surroundings, has partial vision back in his right eye but still blind in left. Also still having trouble with turning left but is not just doing circles. We were there for an hour to keep him company, watched him eat, comforted him and talked to him, but he seemed to grow very tired very quickly. Had a long question and answer with Dr Wolfe and can confirm she definitely feels we are doing all we can for him, but after lots of internet research in the last 24 hours still nagging questions remain as to whether another treatment protocol could do him better. After his last chemo treatment we will be able to bring him home tomorrow, but I’m not liking the whole “wait and see what happens” approach.