Matt & Christa (dot) com

Detroit transplants living in Dallas

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Thought I would post something happy for the first time in a while. Monty’s friend (ours too!) Gunner came over yesterday for a full day of playtime. It was great to see him so happy again, but boy was he pooped!

3 Week Checkup

Yesterday was Monty’s 3 week checkup with the neurologist Dr Wolfe, and it went very well all things considered. He had another dose of the chemo drug Cytosar, and we made the 1st reduction on his Prednisone from 15 to 10mg twice daily. This is the scary part – slowly reducing the steroid dose and watching for any signs of a relapse…

He didn’t feel very well which is to be expected, but towards the end of the day today he was pretty active. The rear leg weakness we have noticed is still there and may be some nerve damage as he does not appear ticklish anymore on his left paw. More things to keep an eye on I suppose.

Making Progress

More than 2 weeks later Monty’s cold is FINALLY gone, and we are no longer giving him Metronidazole as his bowel issues seem to have cleared up so he’s down to from 5 to 3 medications daily. We’ve noticed more improvement in overall activity and personality in the last few days than in the last 2 week combined. I’m pretty sure that the severe lethargy he was experiencing was mainly due to both being sick and to the Metronidazole causing bouts of nausea. He continues to eat and drink well and seems to be more of a presence in the apartment again. With the increased activity however we’ve noticed a weakness has developed with his hind legs in that he can’t quite control them with certainty so they sometimes splay out to the side while sitting, stairs are more difficult, and generally just seems a little unsteady at times. This may or may not be related to the Prednisone side effect of muscle wasting. He does seem a bit more gaunt than his normal “brick” self, appearing to have visually aged another few years over the last weeks. He’s also had a few accidents within the magic 2 hour time frame but again could just be due to the Prednisone and increased activity level meaning more water consumption.

Our follow up with the neurologist is Wednesday morning so hoping she has positives for us, but until then here is a video of a happy Monty in the bone zone…

Hanging In There

We’ve been in the zone with our daily routine the past few days – morning walk, morning meds, every 2-3 hours a quick trip outside, evening walk, evening meds, trip outside between 3-4am, rinse repeat. He seems to be getting stronger and many times during the day his personality and attitude will shine through. He’s taking his internet fame in stride but will often indulge with a quick peek at this site for himself.

We went back to see Dr Naugler last Wednesday to get him a B12 shot which seemed to do him good, so will probably continue. He has had a cold now for over a week and a half, and it’s just so stubborn! He’s on his antibiotics, and Dr Wolfe reduced his cyclosporine (immuno-suppressant) to only once per day to help him fight it off. He’s not getting worse, nor is he getting better. He has been getting saline drops to keep the mucus on the move, steam treatments in the bathroom, and anything else we can think of to try to keep him comfortable. A week from tomorrow will be our neurological follow up, next chemo treatment, and determination if we can start to step down the prednisone so we are crossing our fingers.

Happy Birthday Monty!

Monty turned 7 today.

Two weeks ago we began the GME journey – and even a week ago we weren’t sure he would make it this far – but we are glad he continues to defy the statistics. Every day since has been better than the last and we are excited to fight on with him. He’s not out of the woods yet, but there have been so many small signs of improvement I’ve lost count.

Thanks for all of your well wishes and encouragement, we appreciate it more than you could know.

Holding Pattern

Monty seems stable right now – we’re managing the side effects of all of the drugs and not seeing any worsening symptoms. He still appears congested but it has only been 48 hours with the antibiotics so we remain hopeful that he can get past this without any setback in treatment. Follow up appointment a little more than 2 weeks away to assess neurological status.

Preventative Measure

Made a trip to the emergency clinic last night, with the seriousness of any infection at this point felt it best not to wait. Seems he might have developed an upper respiratory infection so an antibiotic has been added to hopefully nip this in the bud.

There have been many small improvements over the last few days so we remain guardedly optimistic…

There Will Be Good Days and Bad Days

Monty seemed a little nauseous after this morning’s dose of medicine, and has been pretty lethargic through the day. He showed some interest in his toy box at one point, but he has seemed pretty mopey for the most part today. We’ve worked out a consistent pee schedule that seems to have cut out accidents, so every 2-3 hours during the day we head downstairs to the sidewalk so he can water the same light pole. At night he can usually last 4-5 hours so I only have to get up once overnight to race out to the patio potty. Had a few pronounced breathing issues that seem to be phlegm related, and have seen some discharge from his nose more pronounced than normal. As a Frenchie this isn’t the first we’ve seen of this with him, but to have a few in a day after not having any recently is a little scary. Hoping this is not the first sign of a cold, which in his current immuno-suppressed state would not be welcome.

Trying to Stay Positive

I caught Bailey comforting Monty today (in his own way), and have to admit it’s probably just as hard on him with emotions so frayed in the apartment right now.

There are small things that seem positive today though: there is more activity to his left side, his activity level in the last 24 hours has been the highest I’ve seen since coming home, he’s responding to noises from out in the hall again, and he’s eating and drinking. Unfortunately he still seems very ungainly on his feet, continues to have bouts of heavy shallow breathing/panting, restlessness, and lethargy. These are all listed as side effects of the prednisone, so I have a call in to the Neurologist to talk further about that.

Side Effects

Little man seems a bit more aware and functional today. On the morning walk he actually made a left turn (though it may have been completely accidental or unintentional) and was able to navigate the sidewalks without too much issue. He seemed a bit more spry and some of the real Monty came out as he recognized all of the places we would usually stop for him to mark. Ate breakfast, but about an hour after his morning meds he sank back into the antsy yet lethargic pacing and shifting from place to place. Hoping this means it’s just the prednisone side effects and not his overall condition worsening.

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