GRRRRR hotspots

I had good news today. Honestly I did. Unfortunately it has now been squashed over new hotspot concerns…

For the last three days Monty has been more active and actually interested in taking walks in the morning and evening. Since over the last two weeks we have more or less walked out the door with him doing his duty and turning right back around to head in, this seemed like a major breakthrough. The original hotspot had been treated and was on the mend. Things were feeling good!

Then last night we discovered two new, larger hotspots. OK, fine, been there done that, no big deal. Shave, wash, iodine, powder, bed. I called our vet today to get more of the prescription powder, and also left a message with the neurologist so she was aware of what was going on with the hopes that if there was something else we could be doing she’d let us know. In the afternoon she called back and we decided that since his next checkup isn’t until late next week just to be safe she would phone in prescription for an antibiotic (500mg Cephalexin 2/day) to get us through until she could evaluate him again. An hour later I found two more hotspots that weren’t there when I checked him over this morning. Shit.

So now he looks like how I’ve felt some weekend mornings, but he still has his spirits and is running around the house alternating between chewing on a bone and squeaking his beer bottle toy. I just wish the guy could catch a break at this point.