Back in January I wrote about our resolutions for the new year, so I thought I’d give a little update about how we’re doing…

Get back to the gym!
We started off with good intentions going to the gym the day after making the resolution. Unfortunately, that was the only time we went, until today. We’re shooting to start a routine of 2 or 3 times a week whenever we can fit it in immediately after work. I guess I’ll have to update on this in a week or two to see how we’re holding up.

Quit smoking!
Once again – good intentions, bad follow through.
The good: it’s pretty easy to go all week without a cigarette.
The bad: it’s pretty hard to not have a cigarette over the weekend.
I attribute the bad with going out to the bar or club on the weekends, and having a drink or two. I can’t say I have much craving or withdrawal during the week, but come Friday night as soon as I have a beer, all bets are off.

I’ve come to the conclusion we’ll have our up and down moments with both resolutions, but as long as we keep revisiting them regularly I think we’ll be in OK shape.